KNIFE HITS welcomes EYECANDY to the roster

We’re stoked to round out the year by bringing EYECANDY into the fold by releasing both of their 2021 albums all on one cassette.

You can snag one of those HERE

Both ‘The Promontory’ & ‘Supernova’ were originally released earlier in 2021 digitally by the band and on CD by The Ghost Is Clear Records.

Eyecandy, a three piece punk outfit from Oxnard CA, describe themselves as 'pretty noise rock'. A simple, sort of odd moniker... yet once you listen, it makes sense. You could go into the depths of finding the bands they remind you of (we did that over here at Knife Hits of course) and you might get hints of some Unwound, Slint, Polvo... or even Vitrious Humor... or Jawbox? Either way, none of this really matters, because it's clear Eyecandy isn't directly pulling from any of these bands, and may not even be aware of the similarities. These are just young punks playing the music they want to play and carving their own path. But fans of the aforementioned, take note and enjoy.

Mike McGinnis